
Quick Puzzles - 27th March 2023 - How much Dirt?

        Other Pages:  Welcome!     Home   Contents Get your brain teaser solved! View my blog on particle physics here HOW MUCH DIRT? How much dirt is in a hole which is 3.5 metres long, 7 metres wide and 9 metres deep? Solve this and do let me know your answers in the comment section! (Answers will be posted soon) Get your brain teaser solved! See my other posts here: My posts! View the contents of this blog for easy and better navigation! Contents View my blog on particle physics here With Warm Wishes, Lavanya  

What is the Colour of the Hat? - Answer

    Other Pages:  Welcome!     Home    Contents Get your brain teaser solved! View my blog on particle physics here What is the  Colour of the Hat?  - Answer Age group: All The question was: "There are 3 black hats and 2 white hats in a box. Three men (say A, B and C) have a random hat placed on their heads. They cannot see what colour hat they have. The men are situated in such a way that A can see the hats on B and C's hats, B can only see the hat on C's head and C cannot see any hat. When A is asked if he can identify the colour of his hat, he refuses. Next, when B is asked the same question, he refuses too.  However, C, who couldn't see anyone else's hat, says yes and correctly identifies the colour of the hat on his head.  How did he know and what was the colour of his hat?" You can also view the question here: What is the Colour of the Hat? Now coming to the Answer! We know that there are 3 black hats and 2 white hats.  A, who can see the colour of the h

What is the Colour of the Hat?

     Other Pages:  Welcome!     Home   Contents Get your brain teaser solved! View my blog on particle physics here WHAT IS THE COLOUR  OF THE HAT? Age group: All Hi all! I am back with yet another exciting puzzle! "There are 3 black hats and 2 white hats in a box. Three men (say A, B and C) have a random hat placed on their heads. They cannot see what colour hat they have. The men are situated in such a way that A can see the hats on B and C's hats, B can only see the hat on C's head and C cannot see any hat. When A is asked if he can identify the colour of his hat, he refuses. Next, when B is asked the same question, he refuses too.  However, C, who couldn't see anyone else's hat, says yes and correctly identifies the colour of the hat on his head.  How did he know and what was the colour of his hat?" Solve this and do let me know your answers in the comment section! You can find the answer to this puzzle here: What is the Colour of the Hat? - Answer Get you

Quick Puzzles - 25th August 2022

         Other Pages:  Welcome!     Home   Contents Get your brain teaser solved! View my blog on particle physics here My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick; fat, I am slow; wind is my foe. What am I? Solve this and do let me know your answers in the comment section! Get your brain teaser solved! See my other posts here: My posts! View the contents of this blog for easy and better navigation! Contents View my blog on particle physics here With Warm Wishes, Lavanya

Minimum Number of Moves to Open the Doors?

     Other Pages:  Welcome!     Home   Contents Get your brain teaser solved! View my blog on particle physics here MINIMUM MOVES TO  OPEN THE DOORS? Age group: All Hi everyone, this is one of the questions which I found in an old examination paper and I thought of sharing it here! Do try this and let me know your answers as well as the working which led to the answer: "There are 5 persons who are trapped in 5 different elevators. There are 49 floors in the building. The 5 persons are respectively on the 17th, 26th, 20th, 19th, 31st floors. The elevator doors open only when all the elevators are between 21st and 25th floor in descending order. There are 2 buttons +8 and -13 that will be activated only when 2 elevators are selected together. The person on the 19th floor decides to take charge and get all of them out.  What is the minimum number of moves in which he can accomplish the target?" Solve this and do let me know your answers in the comment section! You can find the a

Quick Puzzles - 7th April 2022

Other Pages: Welcome!     Home   Contents Get your brain teaser solved! View my blog on particle physics here Using the numbers 123456789, you have to arrive at a total of 100. You can use the four basic operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but the sequence of the numbers should remain the same (i.e. in the order 1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9 (filling in the appropriate operation in the gap)). How would you arrive at a total of 100? Solve this and do let me know your answers in the comment section! Get your brain teaser solved! See my other posts here: My posts! View the contents of this blog for easy and better navigation! Contents View my blog on particle physics here With Warm Wishes, Lavanya

Quick Puzzles - 1st April 2022

         Other Pages:  Welcome!     Home   Contents Get your brain teaser solved! View my blog on particle physics here Sometimes I am loud and viewed with distaste. Poke out my 'eye', and then I am found right in front of your face. What am I? Solve this and do let me know your answers in the comment section! Get your brain teaser solved! See my other posts here: My posts! View the contents of this blog for easy and better navigation! Contents View my blog on particle physics here With Warm Wishes, Lavanya