Minimum Number of Moves to Open the Doors?

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Hi everyone, this is one of the questions which I found in an old examination paper and I thought of sharing it here! Do try this and let me know your answers as well as the working which led to the answer:

"There are 5 persons who are trapped in 5 different elevators. There are 49 floors in the building. The 5 persons are respectively on the 17th, 26th, 20th, 19th, 31st floors. The elevator doors open only when all the elevators are between 21st and 25th floor in descending order. There are 2 buttons +8 and -13 that will be activated only when 2 elevators are selected together. The person on the 19th floor decides to take charge and get all of them out. 

What is the minimum number of moves in which he can accomplish the target?"

Solve this and do let me know your answers in the comment section!

You can find the answer to this puzzle here:
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With Warm Wishes,


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