Shakuntala Devi Puzzle -1 - Answer

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This is the answer to the famous puzzle by Shakuntala Devi!

The question was:
"Fifty minutes ago if it was four times as many minutes past three o'clock, how many minutes is it to six o'clock?"

You can also view the question here:

Now coming to the Answer!

Let us first analyse the question. So what does the question really mean?

Specifically, what does "four times as many minutes past 3:00" mean?
Once we understand this, we will be able to solve the question very easily.

"As many minutes" refers to the next part of the question i.e. to 6:00.

So basically what this question means is:
Fifty minutes ago, the time past 3:00 is 4 times the time left to 6:00.

Doesn't this make it even more simple?

Proceeding from here is very simple,
Let x be the minutes to 6′O clock from Now.

And the time between 3:00 pm and 6:00pm is 180 minutes.
[3 hours = 60*3 minutes = 180 minutes]

The time right now: 180 - (time left to 6:00) i.e. 180-x
Hence, time 50 mins ago: (180-x)-50 i.e. 130-x minutes past 3:00

Let us get back to our interpretation of the question now:
Fifty minutes ago, the time past 3:00 is 4 times the time left to 6:00.

Fifty minutes ago, the time past 3:00 = 4(time left to 6)
Substituting from the necessary information we found - 

130-x = 4x
i.e. 5x = 130
i.e. x = 26 mins

And voila! We have got the required time left to 6:00!

We can further deduce that the time right now is 5:34

So, our final answer is: 26 mins!

If you have got the same answer in any other way, then do share it!

If you have interpreted this question in another suitable way, then do let me know in the comments section again!

If I have made any significant error, do let me know about that too, and I will be sure to make the necessary changes!
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I hope you enjoyed this :)

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With Warm Wishes,


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