How many identified it? - Answer

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Age group: 6 - 12 years old

Here is the answer to the question I had asked in my previous post!

The question was:

" In an innovative contest, four kinds of fruits - apple, bananas, oranges and plums are placed in four different boxes. The boxes are closed and not transparent. Participants are asked to guess correctly the contents of each box. In all, 123 participants participated. 43 of them could not identify any of the boxes correctly. 39 of them could guess one box correctly. However, as many as 31 could guess two correctly but were wrong in identifying the other two.
Can you tell how many people identified only three boxes correctly and how many identified all four? "

You can also view the question here:

Now coming to the Answer!

It is actually quite simple, all the information you need is right there in the question. Just pause and think...

Is it possible to identify ONLY three boxes correctly?
NO! If you identify three boxes correctly, you will be sure to identify the fourth box correctly as well, since that is the only box remaining. 

So, the remaining participants according to the question were:
123 - (43+39+31) = 10 people

Hence, all 10 remaining people guessed all four boxes correctly, and none identified ONLY three boxes.

Therefore, the final answer is:
Number of people who identified only 3 boxes correctly -> none
Number of people who identified all 4 boxes correctly -> 10 people

If you have got the same answer in any other way, then do let me know in the comments section!

If you have interpreted this question in another suitable way, then do let me know in the comments section again!

If I have made any significant error, do let me know about that too, and I will be sure to make the necessary changes!
You can also attend to the above here.

I hope you enjoyed this :)

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With Warm Wishes,


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