Who Did It? - Answer

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The question was:
"There are five kids playing kickball. One of them kicked the ball so hard that they broke a window. When they are each questioned about what happened, each one of the kids gave three statements – one is a lie and two are true

The statements are: 
  • Steve: 
  1. One of us is going to be in big trouble. 
  2. I didn’t do it. 
  3. Margaret will tell who did it. 

  • Jesse: 
  1. I hate kickball. 
  2. Amanda did it. 
  3. I didn’t do it. 

  • Mark: 
  1. Margaret doesn’t know who did it. 
  2. Amanda and I are good friends. 
  3. I didn’t do it. 

  • Amanda: 
  1. I have never broken a window. 
  2. I never saw Mark before today. 
  3. Jesse lied when he said I was the one who broke the window. 

  • Margaret: 
  1. I want to go home. 
  2. I didn’t break the window. 
  3. I saw Amanda break it. 

Which child broke the window?"

You can also view the question here:

Now coming to the Answer!

Let me start with Amanda. Her first and third statements, have to be either true or false. Since there is only one false statement, we can conclude that Amanda's 2nd statement is false. This leads us to conclude that Mark's 2nd statement is true.

Now if Amanda's 1st and 3rd statements are true, that means that Jesse's 2nd statement is false, and her other two statements are true.

So far we have the following information:

Amanda and Jesse haven't done it. 
Amanda and Mark are good friends.

Continuing, we now know that Margaret's third statement is false, which implies that Mark's first statement is true. We already know that his second statement is also true. Thus, his third statement is false, and hence, Mark is the one who broke the window.



If you have got the same answer in any other way, then do let me know in the comments section!

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With Warm Wishes,


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